A Story Which Takes Place in the Great Outdoors

For: String orchestra
page one of A Story Which Takes Place in the Great Outdoors

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A Story Which Takes Place in the Great Outdoors



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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
13 minutes
Modern classical music
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Whilst riding the train over the Manhattan Bridge one afternoon I found myself humming what eventually became one of the themes of this piece. I see the Great Plains states of the U.S. I see fields and big sky country at some times and I see strange things at other places in the music. It seems to come from another century, but has taken refuge here with us. This is of course a first draft - there are many things which need tweaking eventually. I've added a personalized font to the title - the font had the word Dakota in it, sorta reminded me of this piece's outdoorsy feel. Please enjoy:) An improved mp3 added 2010-05-27. Still not perfect, but better balanced and now plays from both speakers! ;-)

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