7 attimi con contrappunto elettronico

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
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7 attimi con contrappunto elettronico


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Difficult (Grades 7+)
12 minutes
Modern classical music
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This piece was mainly an excercise reminiscent of the many aleatoric forms employed by turn of the century composers, such as Karlheinz Stockhausen's concept of varying textures in 'moment form'.

The work includes both fixed and live electronics: the elctronics are looped (6:20 minutes) and human intervention is required to fade out the volume once the piano performance is over. Rehearsal might be helpful since the score is interpreted at the player's will.

The electronics are formed of two distinct layers of processed radio static (White noise, shockwave static etc…) and processed water noises (river streams, water drops), mainly to create a flowing motion: this is achieved solely by digital means, without tape or outside effects. Electronics are contrapuntal to the piece with important material confined to the piano.

If you wish to perform this (God knows why you would want to) please inform me and I will provide you with the integral electronics' WAV file.

You can get your pet-monkey to perform it, if you so wish.

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