3. Oh My Goodness!

For: Large mixed ensemble
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3. Oh My Goodness!


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
7 minutes
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this is a peice that was not written by me, but my my writing partner Euan K.H.Metz. It is very minimal in nature, but it grew on me after a while… Keeplistening to get to the egyptian section. This means our album so far will have the main track (you know NOTHING about biology) written by the both of us, and we now have one peice each we wrote on our own… that's the 1st 3 tracks. we are now working on the rest, and they will all be joint written.

  • please listen all the way through and give a review!* this is the 3rd track from our future album "Great Gringus"
  • this score has been updated, and is a littl less repetative
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