11 Famous Carols for two Instruments

By: trad.
For: Duet of Soprano Recorders
page one of 11 Famous Carols for two Instruments

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11 Famous Carols for two Instruments


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Year of composition
Easy (Grades 1-3)
7 minutes
Classical music
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These are two part arrangements of 11 famous carols for treble and tenor recorders. The carols are Deck the Hall, God Rest You Merry, Good King Wenceslas, It Came Upon the Midnioght Clear, Joy to the World, O Come All Ye Faithful, See Amid the Winter's Snow, The Holly and the Ivy, While Shepherds Watched, Unto Us a Boy is Born and Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. The keys are the keys which suit the treble recorder best and so are typically a fourth higher / 5th lower than the usual keys for singing. This corresponds to the tune in the alto rather than soprano range. The Descant and Treble version suits Sop / Alto and Bass singers.

The words have not been added as it is likely any singers will already have them in the many collected editions of carols and recorder players will have sung the carols and so will know how to phrase them. The harmony is mostly compatable with familiar versions but an emphasis has been made on creating effective two part writing.

The edition, though concieved with recorder ranges in mind, can obviously be played on two flutes, oboes or violins etc.

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