
Five spicy bits of alphabet for woodwind quartet

By: Milos Betko
For: Wind quartet
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Milos Betko
Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
11 minutes
Modern classical music
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EN: Five spicy bits of alphabet for woodwind quartet.

That’s always a problem when you have to divide five bits of alphabet among four musicians of a woodwind quartet. Although major, minor, diminished and augmented chords built apart from the five alphabetical centres let them sound several times in their thirty-six unexchangeable forms, this is not the solution. Perhaps, the most passable way is to give to everyone of four musicians one fifth, and then, to all four, add to this fifth, one fourth of that fifth fifth, in addition. As a spice, humming, tut-tutting, grumbling, snickering, snapping the fingers, tapping and stamping the feet is recommended. Witty, isn't it?

Composer | Publisher

SK: Pat korenenych kuskov abecedy pre dychove kvarteto.

Vzdy, ked sa ma rozdelit pat kuskov abecedy medzi dychove kvarteto, vznika problem, ako to urobit. Durove, molove, zmensene a zvacsene kvintakordy, vybudovane mimo piatich abecenych centier, sa sice niekolkokrat nechavaju pocut vo svojich tridsiatichsiestich nezamenitelnych podobach, ale ani to situaciu nijako neriesi. Asi najschodnejsou cestou by bolo kazdemu zo styroch hracov pridelit jednu patinu, a potom este vsetkym styrom, k tej ich jednej patine, pridat este jednu stvrtinu z tej piatej patiny. Ako korenie je odporucane hmkanie, cekanie, somranie, chechtanie, luskanie, klopkanie a dupanie. Dobre, nie?

Skladatel | Vydavatel

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