Eliasar A. Simon

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Music in Dreams are musical encounters that occurred during sleep. In his own words….."During my formative years, music in dreams have been part of my sleep, not frequently but once in a while when I am not expecting of it. I have no formal education in music–in fact, I am a physician, and I have no proficiency in playing any musical instruments except that through the years, I have been tinkering with the piano keyboard hooked up to my computer, hoping that these musical encounters would manifest physically–able to hear these musical encounters on sound equipments, i.e. computer speaker, etc."

Lately, Eliasar discovered Sibelius software, and to make the story short, the limited collections of music in dreams can be heard and seen in print.

Before that, he used to dictate or record his encounters on a cassette recorder or grab a digital music transcriber so he can remember what he had heard during his dreaming encounters.

To learn more about music in dreams and Music and the Human Brain in general, go to https://salidonapublishing.com and https://salidona.com for more info. Meanwhile, enjoy your sight reading and listening here on SibeliusMusic/Score Exchange, and here too at > >> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxGnXwEHNAozuzpB3595J8Q/videos

Dr. Eliasar A. Simon received his B.S. in Zoology from Far Eastern University in Manila, The Philippines. He received his M.D. from Far Eastern University School of Medicine in Manila, The Philippines. He finished his postgraduate internship and residency training in pediatrics from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School in Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. He is a licensed physician in the State of Hawaii, U.S.A.

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