Hi, my name is Paul, I am living in Brandenburg (Germany, near Berlin)
and I am most enthusiastic about music, especially music for orchestras, piano, organ, choir and guitar.
Together with my friends Daniel Schertle and Johannes Apfelroth we have founded one new own publishing company, and in the future we will also create here under scoreexchange.com many scores.
Since autumn 2011 we are also the owner of the Behlke-Edition, so we have also got all copyrights of the Behlke-Edition, too.
Our mission, our idea
For the future teaching one music instrument can only be successful, if the lessons are "student centered" or "person centered".
For those modern thinking teachers we publish music sheets, because only by using music sheets it is possible to compile an individual lesson programm based on the individual disposition and on the individual profil of every student.
Arrangements - Transcriptions:
Please, let us write quite frankly to all smart alecs and to all the seeming "music sheriffs" here, which seem to want to demonstrate their (apparent and feigned?) knowledge by this way:
We promise that we do know the differences between Original, Urtext, Arrangements and Transcriptions.
So we decided to publish here all transcriptions under "Arrangements", too. And we do not forget, that p.e. J.S. Bach did never experience the piano of today. That says us, that at last it is no original performance to playing Bach at the piano. ;-)
Our dreams and our plans as well => Our view into the near future
We are planung to develope a brand new piano method, which will be not divided into several printed books (levels) but into several "4-page-moduls", so that every piano teacher can choose and individually compile for each student.
After this developement we will publish this new piano method as here under Score Exchange as under www.edition-emma.musicaneo.com.
Please, give us your patiences, so we will write here some more about us in the near future.
You are also welcome to send me an E-Mail via
Paul. Weckhoven [at] yahoo. de
or to contact me via Facebook.
My friend Johannes Apfelroth you will also find via Facebook.