Matthieu Stepec
Mr Matthieu Stepec
Matthieu Stepec was born in 1987 in France. He's now living in Berlin, Germany. He started playing the piano at age 7 and continued it as a hobby till around 2000, when he decided to work harder and to become a professional musician. He is now studying piano at the Hochschule f�r Musik Saar with Prof. Leonardy and Prof. Micault in the Musikerziehung section, since april 2005. He has won two 1st prizes at the Concours Madeleine de Valmal�te in Paris in january 2005, and two 1st prizes with special distinction in january 2006. He participated to the final round of the international Shostakovich competition in Rheinsberg in september 2006. He also participated to many masterclasses, with Prof. Micault, Prof. Devoyon, or Christoph Mudrich (working with Ralph Himmler, Christoph Thewes, etc.)