Liam Bauress
Mr Liam Bauress
11 Highfields
Forest Row
RH18 5AJ
United Kingdom
After researching in Particle Physics at Oxford in the 1970's, I took up my day job of Mathematics teacher at Worth and latterly at Michael Hall.Meanwhile,I continued to compose/direct/sing/play music for various parishes e.g. 'HERE IN THIS PLACE'[Cassette HAVPC 165 in the Herald Envoy Series]recorded in Worth Abbey Church. I have written and musically directed several theatre pieces in collaboration with librettist/director/law lecturer George Daly e.g. 'ROMERO' a music drama about the heroic, martyred Archbishop of El Salvador,and most recently 'SHAKEN NOT SPEARED',performed at RADA in April 2003. From 1985 to 2007,I regularly accompanied Michelle Mannveille,the People's Diva, for concerts and weddings.In the 'Noughties,we gave five annual concerts at the Hampton Hill Playhouse Theatre.
Also in July 2005 I wrote several SAB settings for all those tenorless choirs. July 2009:Launch of September 27th 2009: London Premiere of ROMERO March 2010:Second London Production of SHAKEN NOT SPEARED.