John Philips

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United States of America

First of all, I really like Basie. For big band Latin my favorite is Willie Rosario. My music is written for musical content not as a showcase for technique. I try to make it swing by having good lines and harmonies that will not bog it down by being too thick. The Latin charts observe the "law of the claves". It takes some technique to play ideas but it takes no ideas to play technique. My background includes three years teaching theory, but except for that I've been able to avoid academia and stay in the professional music business for a living. I play bass, piano, guitar and tuba. My military time was 4 years in the Air Force Band at Bolling AFB in Washington, D. C. and worked with some great players there. I have played extensively as a civilian in Washington, St. Louis and the Midwest in general and have toured with several bands. I hope you enjoy my charts. Remember when you play them to relax and remember the oldest rule in swing–-"Cool Is The Rule".