Jason Costabile

United States of America
Ever since I was a little kid, I've always had a deep seeded passion for music. I began writing my own original songs when I was 11 with music and lyrics. As time has progressed, and my exposure to different styles and more challenging varieties of music has broadened, so too have my writings. When I was 14, I wrote my very first original instrumental composition entitled "Transitions." Since then, I have been on a path of self discovery, challenging myself to try something new in each piece and break from what some would consider my "style."
I'm currently a student at Wartburg College and have my sights set on film scoring. I will put my music on here to share and hopefully gain some popularity and credibility as a composer as I continue to write it. I am currently in the process of getting my largest work to date, "Musicentric" published.
November 2015