Dagfinn Moe
Organist Dagfinn Moe
CREO - Forbundet for kunst og kultur
219 Nevada Street, Northfield, MN 55057
United States of America
Dagfinn Moe was born in Aurskog, Norway,1929, and lives in Northfield, Minnesota. He studied Concert Organ performance and Church Service playing with Cathedral Organist Arild Sandvold, composition with Per Steenberg and Anfinn Oien, music theory and Choral Conducting with Trygve Lindeman at the Music Conservatory in Oslo, Norway. He graduated in 1946. For 10 years he accompanied and toured Europe with the Norwegian Broadcasting Company's Boys Choir, "Sølvguttene". In Arendal, Norway, he served as Minister of Music (Kantor) in Barbu Church 1961-1977, and in Trinity Church 1977 till he retired in 1996. He moved to U.S.A. in 1996 and served as Minister of Music in St.Peter Lutheran Church, Northfield, Minnesota 1996-1999. From 1999 till 2004 he served as Organist in Vang Lutheran Church in Dennison, Minnesota. He composes and arranges music for organ, choirs, and solo voices. His arrangement of Stille Natt (Silent Night) is recorded three times on EMI. (Sandefjord Jentekor, Valens Solistensemble(CDP777-7916862(1988)) and Adventsangerne (BD7039 CD)(2001)). His last arrangement is the Norwegian Folktune fra Aaseral, "Lær meg aa kjenne dine veie." (2018).