Carl J. Marzocchi

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Mr. Carl J. Marzocchi
13 Calvett Place
United States of America

In 1933, I was born in Brooklyn, NY and music has been present in my life from an early age. My father, a guitarist taught me at a young age to play a banjo and to read music. I worked 40 years before retiring from Citibank, NA. I maintained my early passion for music mainly as a listener of modern and classical music. I also loved listening to the operas and Broadway musicals. At an early age I yearned so much to learn to play the piano, but my parents could not afford to purchase a piano nor consider paying for lessons. After my marriage, I learn to play the guitar and was involved for many years with music ministries of many catholic churches. In my early thirties I took the opportunity finally to purchase a piano. I took lessons from a European teacher for only two years because she passed on. I did not continue taking lessons from anyone else. I continued to learn the most I could about music on my own. I now mainly play accompaniment and harmony music on the piano. However, I did learn enough music to start composing it. One time just before reaching the age of forty, I became ill that caused me to remain at home for a few weeks. During that time my wife asked me to write a song for her. I challenged it and I did write that first song for her. This opened the doors for me to become a songwriter. I have since that time composed nearly 250 songs. They consisted of both nearly 50 contemporary and 200 spiritual music and songs. Shortly, thereafter in 1974, I was deeply touched by the Holy Spirit through the Catholic Charismatic Prayer Movement. Warmly inspired by the Holy Spirit, I composed the nearly the 200 spiritual music and songs I mentioned above. Many of my compositions have been written with the help of friends, and many of their lyrics inspired me to compose. I served many years in parishes in music ministry, to serve and help build up the Lord's Kingdom here on earth. I am very grateful and truly joyful that I can place my existing works of music in Scorchmusic. I believe this opportunity came directly as a gift from God. If my music is enjoyable, ministering and inspirational to some, all my blessings and efforts will have been justified. I continue to pray that God will permit this music to begin to be used for his glory in musicals, dramas, church settings and places of worship by those that have such talented gifts of arranging, performing, directing and producing such settings, scenes on stage or perhaps appropriate elsewhere. If you have any questions or comments you can email me or fax me.

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