Byron Easterling

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I studied composition and theory in college…many, many years ago. I played professionally and composed for a production company for 22 years. Having had the privilege to record, produce, and compose music for the Olympics (track and field), the opening song for the Miami Heat, numerous planetarium shows, and commercials, etc., etc., etc.

Then I hit a wall and only played piano for a singer/songwriter beginning in 2003. I composed nothing. I didn't even own a piano or keyboard. Then January 2022, it all changed. It's like I woke from a dream. I began writing again. I found a mini Akai and used my Mac Probook with Garageband. I couldn't stop writing, although these were computer-based works. This is fine, but I focus too much on the sounds versus the melodic and harmonic structures.

Then a piano came my way. It's an old piano, but I love composing from a piano. To feel the resonance of the real thing. Now I'm on that journey again. The first piece I've written is for piano, Pieces of Peace. It's for sale here on Score Exchange. BUT WAIT…there's more…

I'm now beginning my first string quartet and looking forward to composing more pieces for whatever hits my heart. That's the end goal. To write music that is heartfelt and life-giving for you and me.