Amauri Montalvo

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United States of America

Choral Conductor, Minister of Music, Arranger, Composer, Music Producer, Music copyst.

Something about me:


Studies Choral Conducting, Piano, Composition, Orchestration. 1988-1998 Mexico National Conservatory . Master classes in Choral Conducting and Music production in Los Angeles CA, and New York.

Teaching experience:

1994 - 2011 Minister of music at The Church of the Living God in Mexico and the USA.

2005 - 2006 Minister of Music at First Christian Church in San Jose , CA, USA

1994 - 2011 Private music instructor (Piano, Harmony, Ear Training) Taught private music lessons to middle and elementary School children involved in choirs and community groups in Mexico City and the USA.

Performing Experience:

2005 Member of the San Jose State University Concert Choir and Symphonic Silicon Valley Chorale 1993-1998 Founding member of the Baroque Orchestra Cappella Cervantina

Cappella Cervantina, founded in 1993 and considered one of Mexico's most successful early music ensembles, is under the direction of Mexico's best-known recorder player Horacio Franco.

With Maestro Franco, I had a privilege to tour several Mexican Music Festivals as well as the United States, France, and England, performing with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields in London and recording a CD of Mexican Baroque music in France. As a singer in Cappella Cervantina, I performed alongside distinguished artists such as Charles Brett, Max van Egmond, Stephen Varcoe, Julia Wooding, Lucy van Dael and Richard Luby among others.