Alex Weideman

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Mr Alex Weideman
5 Libertas Close
Oakglen, Bellvile
Western Cape
South Africa

I sang since the age of 3 years. At the age of 7 years I started singing in Eistedfords. I started conducting choirs from the age of 15 Years and orchestras since the age of 18 Years. I play all the recorders as well as the flute. I started studying music at the University of Pretoria in 2006 and continued with my studies at the University of South Africa in 2007.

I done vocal training with Bets Botha and Lorraine Havermann. I done choral conducting with Prof Johan VD Sandt a professional in the world of Choral Music. I studied music theory and compostion with Prof Alexander Johnson.

In 2002 I started singing with UNISA Ad Libitum a choir that specialises in modern and rennaissance music.

I also had the opportunity to sing with Opera 2000 and Cantcum Norvum. I also sang in the chorus of Salon Music.

I had the privelage of singing with the OFS Choral group in 2003/2004 when John Rutter visited South Africa.

I was part of the New Apostolic Church project group for music development in Gauteng. I also assisted the Area Music Coordinator for Pretoria area. I also assisted in Orchestra development and training in Gauteng. I was part of the Percussion group and Timpanist.

I left South Africa for Australia and returned to Cape Town in 2019 where I joined the New Apostolic Church SA, Cape Town Choir. I am currently still singing in the Cape Town Choir.

I started composing in 1990 but started seriously in 2003.