Michael XtraSolar
Michael XtraSolar
P.O. Box 130
United States of America
Michael XtraSolar: "Musical Journal of the New Millennium-Vol.1" (2000-2009)© XtraSolar Publishing, 2010:
SSV=Still Small Voice-piano/kybds-5 books -H,RJ,SS,SF,SG(9/2/2000-11/25/2001) H=Heron Collection(Creation)-piano/kybds–––-37 compositions(Book I-SSV) RJ=From the Root of Jesse(Prophecy)-piano/kybds–62 compositions(Book II-SSV) SS=Sola Scriptura (Word Alone)-Piano/kybds––- -71 compositions(Book III-SSV) SF=Sola Fide(Faith Alone)-Piano/kybds––––- -90 compositions(Book IV-SSV) SG=Sola Gratia(Grace Alone)-Piano/kybds––– -100 compositions(Book V-SSV) All 360 pieces are currently Free to Print
Each of the 360 pieces of music in the collection "Still Small Voice" (I Kings 20:12), contains a 'scriptural reference', which was added after the music for all five books was completed. A Lutheran Pastor,the late Reverend Albin J. Stanfel, revered by the saints, was asked, "If one were limited to 360 passages from the Holy Bible, of any length (i.e. verse or verses, chapter or chapters, book or books), to teach the essentials of Christian Doctrine in the absence of teacher or pastor, and adhering to the categories provided by the five books of "Still Small Voice"(SSV), which would you choose?" His answers are the scriptural references appearing at the top of each piece of music, and have been provided along with the KJV Bible link (on the homepage), to give pianists/musicians/composers, something to ponder while listening to or learning to play the music. All 360 pieces are currently Free to Print
C(I)=Catalogue I-Piano/kybds––- ––45 compositions(2/28/2003-10/8/2003) C(!I)=Catalogue II-Piano/kybds––- –-58 compositions(10/31/2002-2/27/2003) C(!II)=Catalogue III-Piano/kybds––- –69 compositions(11/20/2001-10/31/2002) C(Z)=Catalogue Z-Piano/kybds––––-20 compositions(1/6/2004-3/5/2004) C(X)=Catalogue X-String Orchestra+ Quartets,Piano+Various woodwinds,wind quartet etc. ––-12 compositions(9/30/2006-2/1/2007)
Musical Journal of the New Millennium"–Vol.2 (2010-2019)© XtraSolar Publishing, 2010
C(S)-Catalogue S-Educational Materials(2010) C(V)-Catalogue V-Ensembles, Quartets,Trios, and piano with various instruments(2010) C(W)-Catalogue W-piano/kybds(2010) MPJPM-1 -"America's Rags to Riches-MICHAEL PLAYS JOPLIN PLAYS MICHAEL-Vol.1" (Xtrasolar Productions LLC 2010)–Scores generated from, and MP3's of MICHAEL's performance from the solo piano CD
*Ultimately, all credit for my performance and composition goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for as he said, "apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)* MICHAEL <