Christopher Allen

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Hi, My name is Christopher Allen, and I am from Singleton, Australia. For the past ten years, I have been associated with Instrumental Music Education, working notably with Catholic Education (Qld), Education Queensland and smaller individual programs. On top of this, I have also worked with Capricornia Silver Band and Rockhampton Youth Orchestra as conductor of their youth ensembles, and was the Musical Director for Gladstone Municipal Band for 6 years.

When I got married, my wife transferred to New South Wales for a 12 month contract. Pointless looking for work for 12 months, I opted to stay home and practice - but having not played a tuba since my early university days, I needed music!

So I cheated - I wrote some warm-ups. I am not claiming they are brilliant (hence why they are FREE), but if they get you in a direction you want to travel, then maybe I've done some good. However, if they are any good, then maybe I'll have to look at that price again…

Since then, I've taken the step forward to continue in this path, taking my experience as a performer and educator, and writing repertoire that trains, develops and keeps interests up during the long practice sessions.

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