Flash Cards: Key Signatures

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Flash Cards: Key Signatures


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These Flash Cards can be used in a number of ways: 1) The stave side is shown to the student who then names the major/minor key

2) The text side (e.g. C major) is shown to the student who then names the number and names of the sharps/flats

3) Help to learn scales using either side of the Flash card.

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Manuscript: Large Bass Staves, Manuscript: 8 Stave (landscape), Worksheet 17b: Name the Notes (accidentals), Manuscript: 12 Stave, Helpsheet: Time Value Chart (demisemiquavers), Helpsheet: Key Signature Chart, Worksheet 16: Semitones and Tones, Worksheet 04: Draw a clef, Helpsheet: Notes and their (American) Time Names, Helpsheet: Scales of A, E & D Harmonic Minor, Helpsheet: More About Accidentals, Worksheet 03: Name these Notes, Helpsheet: Tonic Triads, Flash Cards: Treble/Bass (reverse), Worksheet 12: Add bar lines, Helpsheet: Tied Notes and Dotted Notes, Helpsheet: Sharps and Flats, Flash Cards: Leger Lines, Helpsheet: Time Value Chart (American), Worksheet 14: Name the black keys, Worksheet 08: Time signatures, Worksheet 05: Write an alternative note, Helpsheet: More About Time Signatures, Worksheet 09b: Grouping Notes Together (2), Flash Cards: Leger Lines (reverse), Helpsheet: Major Scales of C, G, D and F, Flash Cards: Tenor Clef, Helpsheet: How Music is Written, Helpsheet: Clefs, Helpsheet: Keys and Key Signatures, Flash Cards: Symbols, Helpsheet: Italian Musical Terms, D Flat Major Scale, Worksheet 15: Accidentals, Helpsheet: Key Signature Mnemonics, Flash Cards: Terms & Signs (reverse), Worksheet 13: Add the Time Signature, F Major Scale, B Major Scale, Template: Circle of Fifths, Flash Cards: Keyboard Layout (reverse), Flash Cards: Keyboard Layout, Manuscript: Large Grand Staff, Worksheet 03b: Name the Notes, Worksheet 04b: Draw a Clef, Worksheet 06: Notes and their Time Names, Worksheet 20: Tonic Triads, Worksheet 22: General Questions, C Major Scale, A Major Scale, F Sharp Major Scale, Flash Cards: Treble/Bass Clef, A Harmonic Minor Scale, G Major Scale, Helpsheet: Musical Signs, Helpsheet: How to Write Notes, Flash Cards: Alto Clef, Flash Cards: Time Signatures (reverse), Worksheet 17: Scales and Key Signatures, Flash Cards: Symbols (reverse), G Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale, C Harmonic Minor Scale and B Flat Harmonic Minor Scale

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