Dance of the Three Witches

For: Solo instrument (Organ [manuals])
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Dance of the Three Witches


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
1 minute
Modern classical music
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Commentary by Left Brain vs. Right Brain. RB: " 'Double, double, toil and trouble…' If there are three witches, shouldn't they say 'triple' instead of 'double'? Of course then it wouldn't rhyme, eh?" LB: "The three witches are represented thrice: the triple meter (actually 6/8), the three staves of music (right hand, left hand and pedal) and the triple counterpoint. The 'double, double' are represented by the clash of two keys with two accidentals each: the home key of G Minor (in two flats: B-Flat and E-Flat) is challenged by the key of B Minor (in two sharps: F-Sharp and C-Sharp). In contrast to the adventurous harmonies and lively polyphony, this short piece is very simple in form: A-A-B-A." RB: " [Aside] 'Though this be madness, yet there is method in it.' This piece was completed in April 2009 in Nashville, Tennessee."

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