Op. 10

For: Solo instrument (Piano)
page one of Op. 10

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Op. 10


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Year of composition
Moderate (Grades 4-6)
3 minutes
Classical music
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Op. 10 was born in the summer of 2010 over the course of twenty-seven days, starting with a nudge from my mother. We’d been sitting together in something resembling a makeshift worship service, and she was a bit disappointed that there was no one playing any music during communion. She said that I should walk up to the piano and play something, a suggestion for which I was woefully unprepared, never mind that it would’ve been completely inappropriate for me to do so. Nevertheless, the opening measures of this piece came to me in the ensuing moments, and the rest followed in the days after. Conveniently, it was finished exactly five years to the day since I had finished Op. 8, my previous full-length piano solo.

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