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unwelcome piano - Shiro SAGISU Music from“SHIN EVANGELION”
tema principale: piano dedicata ai maestri - Shiro SAGISU Music from "SHIN EVANGELION" EVANGELION:3.0+1.0
pensées intimes piano - Shiro SAGISU Music from“SHIN EVANGELION”
m & r: piano - Shiro SAGISU Music from "SHIN EVANGELION" EVANGELION: 3.0+1.0.
berceuse: piano - Shiro SAGISU Music from "SHIN EVANGELION" EVANGELION: 3.0+1.0.
0'00 - 2'30 - Just Piano (Bonus)
Ichimei - small happiness - opus version
The Vanishing Silhouette: Director's Cut - Yang Bingyin Remix
早 - 选自《冀西南林路行》