Villancico: Variations on a song by Francisco de la Torre

For: Solo instrument (Organ [manuals])
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Villancico: Variations on a song by Francisco de la Torre


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Year of composition
Difficult (Grades 7+)
5 minutes
Modern classical music
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This piece was inspired by my love for Renaissance music. Francisco de la Torre was a Spanish Renaissance composer, fl.1483-1504. My variations are based on his devotional song of thanksgiving, �Damos gracias a ti, Dios.�

This five minute piece is a merging of the old and new. The melody is played with a traditional Renaissance rhythm and harmony. The first variation is a transition between the old and the new, while the last three variations are in a modern style�each one in a different meter and tempo. The piece ends a whole tone higher than the original key.

This piece is playable on a two manual organ. However, the brief interludes in the last variation (m. 85-87, 95, 102-103, 113-114) may be played on a third manual with a solo stop that contrasts with the stop used for the melody. Also in this last variation, if the organ is not equipped with a 16� reed stop on one of the manuals, than play the manual 1 part an octave lower, using an 8� reed stop. The coda (m. 115) should be played with full organ, on the Great.

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