Deborah Zufall

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United States of America

BA 1978 University or California at Davis. Major in Music. MM 1982 Westminster Choir College Major in Church Music, (Organ and Choral Conducting).

I have performed extensively on organ, piano, harpsichord, and as a singer and choral conductor. I have worked as a teacher and church musician for over 20 years.

Published compositions

Organ Music: several hymn variations, published by Darcy Press

Vocal music: "Love Came Down at Christmas" "Lute Book Lullaby" In Church Music Workshop Cokesbury, 1996.

Children's music: "All Creation Sing's God's Wonder" Winner of children's song competition. Text published by The Hymn Society, 1993.

"Jesus is my Friend" Published in The Friend,1987.

Score catalogue