It’s generally a good idea to offer your scores and parts for sale together as a package. This will: 1. Be easier for customers when there are a lot of parts available. 2. Make customers...
Selling your music
What should I do in the event of the death of a Score Exchange publisher?
If a Score Exchange publisher has died and you are managing their estate, please take the following steps: Sign in to the publisher’s account. If you...
How does Score Exchange stop people emailing a score they have bought to other people?
If you are concerned about purchased PDF files of your content being...
What steps can I take to safeguard my account in case of my death?
Make sure you have a trusted representative knows how to access your Score Exchange account.Make sure your trusted representative...
Do I have to sell my music in US dollars?
All the financial calculations that Score Exchange makes are calculated using US Dollars. You must set the price of your music in US Dollars, but buyers can choose to buy content in...
How do I tell how much money I’m making from my music?
From the My account section of Score Exchange, the My financial statement page shows details of your sales that month, you can choose to...
How and when do I get paid when I sell music to Score Exchange?
Payments to publishers are calculated bi-monthly on the 15th day of the month. Automated payouts will be sent as soon as possible after this...
What currency will I be paid in?
By default sellers with an address in the United Kingdom will be paid in British Pounds, and sellers with an address in any other country will be paid in US Dollars. You can manually...
How does Score Exchange convert between currencies when paying sellers?
Score Exchange uses exchange rates based on information issued by the UK HM Revenue and Customs. All calculations are done internally...
What stops people making a screen shot of my music instead of buying it?
When you upload your music to Score Exchange, a watermark will be automatically added over to the preview of the music displayed on...
Who can sell sheet music on Score Exchange?
Anyone can sell sheet music on Score Exchange. There’s no restrictions on who can become a seller. If you’re considering becoming a seller on Score Exchange, you should visit...
How much money will I receive when Score Exchange sells any of my music?
When your music is sold to a buyer, Score Exchange agrees to buy the...
How do I set the selling price of my music?
While you are editing the details of a score (accessed from the My scores page), there are options to set the price of the score and the score’s parts. You set the price of the score...
Is there any restriction on the prices I set?
No – you can set any price you like for your scores and instrumental parts. The only restriction is that buyers can only pay for amounts less than $1.50 USD using Score Exchange credits....