No – once a sale has been paid for the invoice is issued automatically and can not be changed. Make sure you have the right billing address details before finalising your purchase.
Purchasing music
Why can’t I pay using my own currency?
Maybe you can! Before October 2013 Score Exchange only allowed payments in US Dollars. Now Score Exchange supports purchases in US Dollars and British Pounds. You can...
Why can’t I pay less than $1.50 using PayPal or my credit/debit card?
For transactions under $1.50 USD Score Exchange will only accept payment using Score Exchange credits. The costs involved of...
I’ve chosen to view prices in a currency that isn’t US Dollars. Why do I still see prices in US Dollars during the checkout process?
Internally Score Exchange calculates...
What exchange rates do you use to convert between currencies?
Score Exchange uses exchange rates based on information issued by the UK HM Revenue and Customs.
I am VAT registered – how does this affect me as a buyer?
Please make sure that you have entered your VAT number on the My account page. Without this information being available before a...
Is VAT included in the price of a score?
No. All prices are displayed exclusive of VAT which will be added where appropriate. This is because there are more buyers outside Europe who are not required to pay VAT than there...
What rate of VAT applies to purchases?
As Score Exchange is based in the United Kingdom and the UK is no longer part of the European Union, there are different VAT rules for customers in the EU & UK compared...
How do I buy more than one copy of a score or part?
Depending on the licensing options set by the publisher of the music you’re interested in, there might be no need to buy more than one copy of a score or part. Publishers using Score...
Why do I have to create an account to make a purchase?
It is necessary for Score Exchange to have your contact details so that we can correctly calculate and account for VAT. By creating an account it...
How do I create an account?
Simply click the My account button at the top of any page and then enter your email address in the ‘New Users, Register Here’ box and click Register. You do not need to create an...
Are any scores available free of charge?
Maybe! All the publishers that use Score Exchange are free to set their own selling prices. Sellers who have upgraded to be a Platinum Publishers on Score Exchange can make their...
How do I buy the score I want?
Once you are happy that you have found what you want, click the Add to Basket button to add that score or part to your shopping basket. After you have added everything that you...