James Hall

James studied dance and music as a combined BA Hons degree at Kingston University, London, completed a PGCE in secondary Music at The Institute of Education and an ATCL diploma in Musical Theatre (Trinity College London)
As a singing teacher James specialises in musical theatre, incorporating the Estill model in his teaching. As well as leading workshops and group singing classes James has a lot of private teaching offering lessons to a range of people both professional and amateur, for adults and children. As well as fundamental singing technique James also focuses on characterisation, interpretation and acting techniques to enhance the performing of songs for all styles. Some pupils take singing and music theatre exams maintaining a 100% pass rate. James offers assistance with audition preparation and applications for vocational colleges and professional courses. Previous pupils have gone onto study at Arts Educational School, The Urdang Academy, Italia Conti, The Brit School and others have gone on to perform professionally around the country and in West end Shows.
James’ skills as a singing teacher transfer into his work as a freelance musical director. His clients include theatre companies, amateur dramatic groups and youth theatre groups specialising in musical theatre and plays with music. James’ experience in this field includes accompanying rehearsals, playing keys in orchestra pits, conducting ensembles, creating arrangements and composing music.
Currently he is a singing teacher for Italia Conti Arts Centre, Musical Director for Theatre Box, Epsom and the founder & artistic director of Off The Couch Productions.